why is gratitude important for mental health

why is gratitude important for mental healthwhy is gratitude important for mental health

Being grateful is more than just good manners; it is an essential part of being human. It is a powerful attitude that can help us to appreciate what we have, rather than focusing on what we don’t have. By expressing gratitude, we can open ourselves up to more positive experiences and dispositions. Gratitude also helps us to cultivate a positive attitude, leading to greater happiness and contentment. It is a simple act that can have a profound effect on our lives and those around us. When we take the time to recognize the goodness in our lives, we can create a ripple effect that can positively influence our relationships, our work, and even our physical and mental health. Being grateful is an expression that can help us to find more joy, peace, and satisfaction in life. Continue reading “why is gratitude important for mental health”

How Attitude Can Impact Your Blood Pressure

The Surprising Connection: How Attitude Can Impact Your Blood Pressure

How Attitude Can Impact Your Blood PressureDid you know that your attitude can have a significant impact on your blood pressure? It may come as a surprise, but studies have shown a strong connection between our emotional state and our cardiovascular health. Whether we are feeling stressed, angry, or happy, these emotions can affect our blood pressure levels in ways we never imagined. In this article, we will explore the surprising link between attitude and blood pressure, and how understanding this connection can help us lead healthier lives. From the role of stress hormones to the power of positive thinking, we will delve into the science behind this fascinating relationship and uncover practical tips to manage our emotions and how to maintain optimal blood pressure. So, if you are ready to discover the unexpected ways our mindset can impact our health, keep reading to unlock the secrets to a healthier heart and a happier life. Continue reading “How Attitude Can Impact Your Blood Pressure”

5 Ways to Keep Inspiring Yourself and Others Daily

5 Ways to Keep Inspiring Yourself and Others Daily5 Ways to Keep Inspiring Yourself and Others Daily

Do you ever find yourself feeling stuck or lacking inspiration? Whether you’re a writer, an artist, a business owner, or just someone trying to live their best life, it’s natural to hit roadblocks and lose motivation from time to time. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to reignite your passion and keep inspiring yourself and those around you on a daily basis. In this article, we’ll explore 5 Ways to Keep Inspiring Yourself and Others Daily and be motivated, from seeking out new experiences to cultivating a positive mindset. Whether you’re struggling with creative block or simply looking for ways to live a more fulfilling life, these tips are sure to help you tap into your inner fire and keep shining bright. So, let’s dive in and discover how to stay inspired and inspire others in the process!

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A True Story of Inspiration on Courage and Determination

A True Story of Inspiration on Courage and Determination

A True Story of Inspiration on Courage and DeterminationIn this world, there are many challenges that must be faced. Whether it is something as simple as a test at school or something as difficult as the death of a loved one, we must necessarily come across situations in life that are challenging.  However, with the right amount of perseverance and strength of character, we can continue to move forward in life and become stronger with these challenges. In this article, you will read about an inspiring true story in which someone overcame insurmountable odds to achieve great things. This article will also discuss how courage and determination can help us all face even the toughest challenges in life and overcome them. This is A True Story of Inspiration on Courage and Determination read on Continue reading “A True Story of Inspiration on Courage and Determination”

Inspirational Stories to Promote Positivity and Strong Morals

Inspirational Stories to Promote Positivity and Strong MoralsInspirational Stories to Promote Positivity and Strong Morals

Motivational tales are a great tradition of teaching children about morality and these hopeful tales also include an assortment of encouraging positive energy. Tell me the information you find here. Inspirational tales are probably the oldest and best-known form of entertainment and for good reason. As we grow older or being a young person, we love good storylines. Around the world bedtime is a ritual and is shared by all age groups. We all like to enjoy inspiring stories unfolding through audiobooks and books. Probably the most popular format is the timeless parable. Here are some; Inspirational Stories to Promote Positivity and Strong Morals Continue reading “Inspirational Stories to Promote Positivity and Strong Morals”

10 Motivational Quotes About Working Hard

Why do we Need these 10 Motivational Quotes About Working Hard?

10 Motivational Quotes About Working HardWorking hard is a common theme across many success stories. It can be intimidating to take on difficult tasks; however, the rewards of hard work can be well worth it. To help inspire and motivate you to work hard, here are 10 motivational quotes about working hard. These quotes come from some of the most successful people in history and their words of wisdom can provide the encouragement you need to take on any challenge. Let these quotes serve as a reminder that hard work is always worth it and that success is achievable if you put in the effort.

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Steps to Developing an Amazingly Positive Attitude

5 Steps to Developing an Amazingly Positive Attitude

Steps to Developing an Amazingly Positive AttitudePositivity can be contagious and inspire those around you. With a positive attitude, you can tackle any challenge that comes your way and make waves of meaningful changes in your life. Here are 5 Steps to Developing an Amazingly Positive Attitude. These steps would help you boost your attitude and foster an inspiring outlook on life. Continue reading “Steps to Developing an Amazingly Positive Attitude”

Encouraging Stories of Hope and What You need to know

Encouraging Stories of Hope and What You need to knowThis blog post discusses Some Encouraging Stories of Hope and What You Need to Know about hope

Hope is one of the most powerful emotions that a human being can experience. It’s also one of the most universal, because it transcends cultures and ages. People who are experiencing hopelessness or despair often find hope in something that restores their faith and belief in a better future. The power of hope is so strong that it has inspired poets, philosophers, prophets and authors throughout history to write about its significance in human lives. Hope is a complex concept, so before you read further you might be asking yourself: What does hope mean? Is there such a thing as too much hope? And why does having hope have to matter at all? These are all excellent questions, but don’t worry, – we have some Encouraging Stories of Hope for you. Read on. Continue reading “Encouraging Stories of Hope and What You need to know”

How to Turn Anger into Motivation

How to Turn Anger into MotivationHave you have thought of how to turn Anger into Motivation?

Anger is a powerful emotion. It’s also one of the most destructive. Anger gives you the drive and motivation to take action, but left unchecked, it can quickly spiral out of control. In fact, anger is one of the strongest negative emotions in our live. This isn’t surprising when you consider all the things that make us angry: from having a stressful day, being treated unfairly, inconsiderate drivers to unfair bosses and annoying roommates, friends, spouses, parents, children, and siblings. Traumatic experience and disappointment can also make us angry. Continue reading “How to Turn Anger into Motivation”

Inspiring Short Stories on Positive Attitude

inspiring short stories on positive attitudeInspiring Short Stories on Positive Attitude: They say that attitude is everything, and it is true. A positive attitude can help you see the world in a whole new light, no matter how dark your world might be at any given moment. A positive attitude will help you get through the tough times and give you the strength to overcome whatever challenges you may face. If you’re needing a little boost in that life, reading inspirational short stories on positive attitudes can help you in more ways more that you expect. These stories show us what being positive looks like, and how these inspirational stories can make it easier for us to adopt our attitudes. Here are some of the most inspiring short stories on positive attitude to get you through those rough days.

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The Benefits of Positive Thinking in Modern days

The Benefits of Positive Thinking in Modern daysThe Benefits of Positive Thinking in Modern days: Are you someone who is consistently positive? Or are you prone to bouts of pessimism and negative thinking? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? These are questions that might seem trivial but could actually reveal much about your general outlook on life. There is no denying that the world can be a cruel place at times. It’s riddled with challenges and difficulties for everyone, rich or poor, privileged or not. As such, it’s understandable if some people tend to think negatively more often than positively but with time this negative thinking needs to be changed. This post explores the benefits of positive thinking in modern days. Continue reading “The Benefits of Positive Thinking in Modern days”


Miss Gretchen Erlichman

WHY I AM ENTERING THE MONASTERY IN 2021 By Miss Getchen ErlichmanWHY I AM ENTERING THE MONASTERY: We live in“unprecedented times.” This oft-repeated phrase has not only made the headlines of the daily newspaper and graced the lips of many a newscaster but has also become an ever-present mantra of our everyday encounters. Unprecedented times” describes the bewildering conglomeration of political chaos, religious tensions, and a pandemic-ridden society.

Yet, it is precisely Continue reading “WHY I AM ENTERING THE MONASTERY IN 2021”

Do not Listen to discouraging Words

Do not Listen to discouraging WordsDo not Listen to discouraging Words, An example from the persistence frog and other motivational stories.

Discouraging words are statements or insinuations that persuade or prevents someone from making certain decisions. This short story title; Do not Listen to discouraging Words! is a story that motivates and encourages people to be persistent.


A group of frogs were travelling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead.

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