LIFE IS A LIE by Isaac Shemang

LIFE IS A LIE by Isaac Shemang

LIFE IS A LIE by Isaac Shemang
I had learnt from my parents that life was a mystery. It still is. I read from books that life is a mirage. Bristling with bits of knowledge we had picked while growing up, my friend told me that, ‘a mirage is a lie’. I made a summation. If life is a mirage, and a mirage is a lie, doesn’t it invariably add up that life is a lie? So I grew up playing around conflicting concepts to contest comfortable conventional wisdom. Life is a mirage. A mirage is a lie. True?

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How to Be a Confident Mom Part 1

Bringing Up Your Children with Peace, Patience and Confidence                                  How to Be a Confident Mom Part 1

At one time or another, every mom has felt lacking in her ability as a parent. It begins with caring for your newborn. Am I doing this right? And then continues with toddler tantrums all the way through the teenage years. Am I making the right decisions? Are my kids going to turn out all right? When they make mistakes, will they know that God is on their side? Even when our children are grown-ups, they’ll forever be our children.

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Be Patient with Slow Learners!

Be Patient with Slow Learners!Be Patient with Slow Learners!

Be Patient with Slow Learners! is about Thomas, an eight year – old boy, rather sickly and partially deaf, very far behind his peers in class. Teachers tend to be easily angry with him because he was slow to pick up.
His class-mate
were quick to make fun of him. Thomas lived in an unkind world. But he had a mother who was happy to have him, a mother who would sit with him each evening, and listen to how badly his days has been.

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Steve Jobs’ Top 10 Rules for Success

Steve Jobs’ Top 10 Rules for Success

Steve Jobs’ Top 10 Rules for Success
1. Do what you love to do: Find your true passion. Do what you love to do and make a difference! The only way to do great work is to love what you do.
2.. Do your best: Do your best at every job. No sleep! You don’t get a chance to do that many things, and every one should be really excellent. Because this is your life. Success generates more success. So be hungry for it. Hire good people with passion for excellence.
3. Don’t live a limited life “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living

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The Uniqueness of everybody

The Uniqueness of everybodyThe Uniqueness of everybody: The story of the fighting colours.!

Once upon a time all the colours in the world started to quarrel with one another. Each colour claimed that it was the best, the most important, the most useful, the favourite. Green began to say: “certainly, I am the most important. I am the sign of the life and of hope. I was chosen for the grass, for the tress, for the leaves. Without me, all animals would die. Look at the country side and you would see that I am the majority.”

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Jane Berkowitz’s Ten Best Stress Tips

Jane Berkowitz's Ten Best Stress TipsJane Berkowitz’s Ten Best Stress Tips


Feeling anxious, weighted down? Feel like you just can’t deal with the stress around you? Wishing the things that cause you to feel this way would just go away? Well, here are  ten Best stress tips.

Some of the things causing your stress are here for the long term. Others will go away, but be replaced by new distressing things.

Now, even though you can’t escape the fact that there will always be some stress in your life, there are some basic things you can do to put yourself in a good position to handle stress that comes your way. And you can do your best to not be the source of your own stress!

1 – Get enough sleep

Something as simple as getting to bed at a decent hour is a great start. Recognize how much sleep you need to function well. Stress can cause a lack of sleep. Relax for a while before going to bed (and don’t go to be right after watching the news). Caffeine and alcohol before bed are among the most common causes of insomnia. If you have health complications or are on medication, your doctor may be able to prescribe a different medication that won’t interfere with sleep.

2 – Eat a healthy diet

Nutrition and stress are related. The greater the stress you’re facing, the more good nutrition you need. Protein, B vitamins, C and A vitamins, magnesium are depleted when the body is in the fight or flight mode brought on by stress. Skipping meals, eating junk foods, having excessive caffeine can actually contribute to stress by making you feel worse. Poor eating habits lead to blood sugar issues, lowered immune system, and that “drained” feeling. Eat healthy snacks of fresh fruits and veggies along with healthy meals and a balanced nutritional supplement. You’ll feel more energized and you will help yourself have the stamina to fight back at all the stress you encounter during your day.

3 – Under book yourself

You need time to recover from daily stresses. Plan less things for yourself to do in a day. If you regularly plan 10 things and you’re feeling over stressed, then start to plan 5 things a day for yourself instead. Learn to say “no”. Watch your stress level decrease!

4 – Take a break

Do something fun. Laugh. It reduces the flow of stress hormones. It’s amazing how a brisk 10-minute walk clears your head and gives you a fresh outlook. A 10-minute nap has been associated with increased energy, motivation, alertness, and concentration. Taking a break is not being lazy! You’re refreshing your mind. You’re relieving stress. Enjoy a good break every couple hours.

5 – Exercise

Exercise is one of the best ways to relieve stress. The more stressed you are, the greater the amount of exercise you need. When you exercise, mood-elevating endorphins are released into the blood stream. Break a sweat. You’ll feel great. As the blood flow to the brain increases, it will “wash out the cobwebs”. In addition, exercise promotes restful sleep.

6 – Declutter your space

Clutter reminds us of all we need to do. It gets worse as we waste precious minutes plowing through it to find our keys and important papers. Try setting a kitchen timer for 15 minutes, pick a spot and clean it up the best you can in that time. Stop when the timer goes off and plan to do the same tomorrow. Having a tidy environment is a great stress reliever.

7 – Pay your bills on time

Avoid the stress of late notices, extra charges, and your credit record being jeopardized. It takes a little organizing, so have a specific place to put all bills and pay bills every 2 weeks. Be sure to record in your checkbook and keep your checkbook up to date.

8 – Stop procrastinating

That means stop putting off till later what you need to be doing now. You know the end result of procrastination – feelings of guilt, inadequacy = increased stress levels.

Determine why you’re procrastinating. Feeling overwhelmed by a project? Try doing little bits at a time. Are you avoiding something because it’s unpleasant? Just do it! Waiting for just the right time? It usually doesn’t come.

Fear of failure (or even success)? Visualize a good out come. Feel the need to be perfect? Set a deadline, do your best, and realize that your 80% could be someone else 100%! You’ll always feel better when you do it and have one less thing on your mind.

9 – Think the best

When you expect bad things to happen, you are programming yourself to feel anxious, actually attracting and bringing on bad experiences. This can bring out the worst in you and in others. Choose the opposite. Believe good things are going to happen. You will attract good things. Of course, bad things happen to everyone, but keep looking for the good. You usually find what you look for.

Set your mind on things that are beautiful, noble, happy. Have a grateful attitude. In the worst of affairs, there’s always something to be grateful for. Look for that. Say to yourself “Something good is going to happen to me!” Expect that to be true!

10 – Get help for life issues that are out of control

When life stresses are getting to an unhealthy level, seek help, buy a book on the subject, look it up on the internet, talk to a counselor, pastor, ask a friend for help, get professional help.

A certain amount of stress is normal. An unhealthy stress level over a period of time takes its toll on your body. How you prepare for facing stress and how you deal with it is the key. You might be surprised at how just a couple of life style changes can make all the difference in your stress level. Jane Berkowitz’s Ten Best Stress Tips is a must read for everyone.

Read Also; Do you have the Heart of a Mouse? – Life Altitude (


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We all worry about many things. Our health, family, children, friends, finances, business, old age, and what will happen when will die. Does worrying change a situation? Certainly not! Worrying leaves us in a state of anxiety over all sorts of things; both real and imagined. Worry creates confusion and makes one behave like narcissus. While accepting our challenges, and working to correct
them might not produce an expected outcome, we are better off shifting our worries to concrete action.

Continue reading “WORRY: WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO YOU?”



In our world, some people suffer from self-depreciation, lack of confidence, and deep seated feelings of inadequacy. They feel incompetent, insecure, and inept. People of this kind, which can be called self-depreciated people never control their life. They allow themselves to be controlled by others people’s negative opinion about them. Their life is indeed shaped by their fear. Although, it may seems challenging, people can if they truly will, move up, out and beyond those negatives opinions. The question therefore is,How do you see yourself? Your self-image is the decisive difference.